Where Are You, Christmas?

For the past seven years for me, November 1st meant the start of Christmas season. This year is looking a little different.

Definitely missing the hustle and bustle of the Christmas show season today.

It's the little things and the silly things that make me tear up when I think about it.

Decorating for Christmas in the wee hours of Halloween.

Getting to the theater before the sunrise. Strolling through the winter wonderland of a lobby all by myself before the busyness hit.

Getting 10,000 steps in before the start of the show at 10am. Running around to set everything before buses and guests would arrive. Running from bus to bus. Talking to each group. Hearing Tom say the same jokes each time.

Having the kiddos say "Hi, Face!" as they arrived each morning and shower me with hugs.

Laughing with/at Aaron and Brydon and our other parking lot crew every day.

Racing the clock to have everything done by showtime, by intermission, or by end of show.

The blur of selling merch during intermission.

Scaring Austin backstage.

Sneaking in to watch the opening song, "Cocoa", or "Mary Did You Know".

Doing seating charts, which some days turned into a game of Tetris.

Laughing with Darby or Matthew in the office in the afternoons.

All of it. I miss it. Being a part of The Bretts Show is one of my favorite blessings in life.

And this year, it just doesn’t feel like Christmas. I miss it.

My boss and dear friend wrote this blog post this morning about all the feels that today is bringing. Read it here:



Thankful November


Branson is My Home